March 26, 2010

"Hello Harvey"

Most of you already know about our newest Member of the Family. Harvey Liam Meyers born Wednesday March 10th at 2:04 in the afternoon. He was a pretty heavy baby for me, weighing in at almost two pounds more then Teagan weighed at birth, 8lbs 9ozs. But he was also only 19.5 inches long to Teagan's 22. So already very different.

Let's rewind a little bit though. Just the day before Harvey's Birthday, I celebrated my own 23rd birthday. I was never wanting to have a child on the same day as my birthday because I didn't think it would be fair for them. But when my birthday finally rolled around, I really didn't seem to care when he came at that point. Needless to say it was a very miserable day for me despite all my wonderful birthday visitors and being showered with Love! That was all very GREAT!

That night I didn't really want to celebrate my birthday. Instead we ended up taking the three of us out one last time together before Harvey arrived. I felt like it was super important to squeeze one last Family of Three outing in. And I am glad we did. We are always having tons of fun with Teagan. We took him to the dollar store to pick out some presents for Brother, still at that point, he didn't quite understand, but it was fun. While Him and I did that, Daddy went around and got a few things from Brother to Teagan. It was fun watching Teagz open his present the day he came to meet Harvey! That Night I didn't sleep at all. I was so anxious and I really didn't know what to expect. Also I WAS STARVED. No food after 9:00 that night. But it was all good because I was going to be having a baby very early in the morning.

The very next morning my Mom, Dad and Sister Brittany all came down to take care of Teagan for the day. My sister was able to stay a few days longer to help us out with him while we were in the hospital and she was a blessing to have! So Ben and I got up, got ready and left. I was so nervous because it was going to be different this time around. When we had Teagz, he was not a planned Ceserean. Everything happened extremely fast and I didn't have anytime to think about what was happening really. But with Harvey, they had us show up to the hospital bright and early at 5:30 that morning to get me started on the IVs and all that fun stuff. So here we were just sitting there waiting for a few hours, then finally the doctor arrived. I was super excited, we talked breifly and then he left to get ready and told us he would see us down there. Just a few short minutes later though, we were informed that my surgery had been pushed back til 3:00 because of problems with their anesthesia department. Oh My, was all I could think. How was I going to go another 7 hours without food. We made it though. I had all that extra time to freak myself out about what was going to be happening. But I was so ready when they came for us.

20 minutes later Harvey had arrived. It was, overall, a way better experience. Instead of seeing my baby for 2 seconds before whisking him away, Ben was able to bring him over to me and I was able to actually meet him and hold him right there while they were finishing everything up. Definitly a moment I will never forget. The same can't be said for the following hours though. By the time they left with Harvey to take him to the Nursery for his bath and fun stuff, I was so out of it. Going 15 hours without food is a lot to ask someone who is Pregnant and Starving, who also had problems with her blood sugar levels. So I was a goner. I don't remember them moving me from the Operating Room to the room we ended up staying in, and I apparently had full conversations with people that I don't remember at all. But I have a feeling that they will forgive me. :)

After a few hours, Teagan and My Family were able to come for a visit. It was so great. I wasn't sure how Teagan would react. He didn't really REALLY know what Baby meant. But he did great. I could tell then that he was going to be a great big brother. And you could just tell that he loved Harvey the moment he first held him with Daddy! It was the cutest thing ever. And I must admit, it made me tear up to see my Big Boy with his little Brother. Teagan already 2, I can't believe it all had gone by so fast! It's all so crazy to think!

After a few short days of being able to recover in the Hospital and recieving Many Visitors, we were able to finally go home and spend sometime as a family. I was nervous that it would be this HUGE adjustment for us all, but it really hasn't been that bad at all. Teagan has been a natural from the start. Always wanting to help out as much as he can. And Always giving out free kisses and hugs to the little burrito sitting silently in his chair, or swing, or in my arms. Where ever Harvey might be.

There really is nothing like Sibling Love! We are so blessed to have both Harvey and Teagan in our lives. Harvey has just fit so perfectly in I really can't describe it in words. All these picutres were just some fun ones that I took. Teagan and I Love taking Pictures together and I hope that one day Harvey won't mind so much either. He sure hasn't seemed to mind his X's and O's much! :)


  1. I love it! What beautiful pictures also. I really enjoy getting to read about and see my cuties. Harvey looks right at home. They are both sooo darn handsome, I'm such a lucky Grandma. Thank you Siena and Ben. Love you all!

  2. Siena! Your family is adorable. I love Harvey's hair!
